Albany House Surgery

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Local Health & Support

Worcestershire Wellbeing Hub Resource Directory

We hope you find the database helpful and easy to use. It contains a wide range of information. The database is designed to make accessing information as straightforward as possible. Services provided both in the statutory and voluntary sectors are constantly changing and it is hoped that this electronic version will bring people up to date with some of those changes.
01905 766124

Age UK Free help and advice (Worcester & District)

Albany House Surgery are pleased to announce that patients can visit Thorneloe Lodge Surgery to get help from Age UK (Worcester & District) who provide free help and advice to our patients regarding a wide range of issues.

People like us

People Like Us (PLUS) is a service that works across Worcestershire to support adults of all ages who are experiencing loneliness or isolation. PLUS enables individuals to connect with others and supports them to become more active and engaged in their communities.
01905 27525 or 07485312463

Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing aims to support individuals to take greater control of their health and feel more empowered to look after themselves. Social Prescribers are based within GP practices and secondary care settings. GPs and other health and social care professionals can refer in to the service. Social Prescribing links patients with non-medical support to address people’s needs in a holistic way.
01905 27525

Lifestyle Advisor Service

If you would like to feel healthier and happier, ONSIDE Lifestyle Advisors can help you to do just that. We can provide the support you need to make small changes in your life that can make a big difference. This free service provides one to one and or group healthy lifestyle support for anyone aged 16 plus.
01905 27525

Worcestershire County Council

Information, support and guidance provided by your local council.
01905 765765

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence

Information provided by Worcestershire County Council


We are the independent national champion for people who use health and social care services. We’re here to find out what matters to people, and help make sure their views shape the support they need.
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